Aucune traduction exact pour أصحاب الكهف

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Traduire anglais arabe أصحاب الكهف

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  • Or even do you reckon that the Companions of the Cave and ÉAr-Raqîm (It is the name of a leaden plate, on which were written the names of the seven sleepers) were among Our signs a wonder?
    أم حسبت أن أصحاب الكهف والرقيم كانوا من آياتنا عجبا
  • We narrate their story to you in all truth . They were a few young men who believed in their Lord ; so We gave them greater guidance .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We shall narrate their account to you accurately ; they were young men who believed in their Lord , and We increased the guidance for them .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We will relate to thee their tidings truly . They were youths who believed in their Lord , and We increased them in guidance .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We recount unto thee their tidings With truth . Verily they were certain youths who believed in their Lord , and We increased them in guidance .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We narrate unto you ( O Muhammad SAW ) their story with truth : Truly ! They were young men who believed in their Lord ( Allah ) , and We increased them in guidance .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We relate to you their story in truth . They were youths who believed in their Lord , and We increased them in guidance .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We narrate to you their true story . They were a party of young men who had faith in their Lord , and We increased them in guidance
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We narrate unto thee their story with truth . Lo ! they were young men who believed in their Lord , and We increased them in guidance .
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .
  • We relate to you their account in truth . They were indeed youths who had faith in their Lord , and We had enhanced them in guidance ,
    نحن نقصُّ عليك -أيها الرسول- خبرهم بالصدق . إن أصحاب الكهف شُبَّان صدَّقوا ربهم وامتثلوا أمره ، وزِدْناهم هدى وثباتًا على الحق .